උපාධි ප්රදානෝත්සවය - 2024 අගෝස්තු මස 21
පාලි හා බෞද්ධ අධ්යයන පශ්චාත් උපාධි ආයතනය
පළමු සැසිය - උපාධි ලාභීන්ගේ නාම ලේඛනය (නාම ලේඛනය සඳහා මෙතන ක්ලික් කරන්න)
2024 අගෝස්තු මස 21 වන දින පැවැත්වීමට නියමිත පාලි හා බෞද්ධ අධ්යයන පශ්චාත් උපාධි ආයතනය සඳහා වන උපාධි ප්රදානොත්සවය සඳහා නියමිත සුදුසුකම් සපුරා ඇති උපාධි ලාභීන්ගේ නාම ලේඛනය පහත දක්වා තිබේ.එහි උපාධි ලාභීන්ගේ නම් ඉදිරියෙන් දක්වා ඇති අංක එක්එක් උපාධි ලාභියා හට හිමි ආසන අංකය වේ.
එ් අනුව විභාග අංශය විසින් සඳහන් කර ඇති උපදෙස් අනුගමනය කර උපාධි ලෝගු හා කරමාල ලබා ගැනීම සඳහා පහත දක්වා ඇති දිනයන්හි විභාග අංශය වෙත පැමිණ අනන්යතාවය තහවුරු කර ආසන අංකය සඳහන් කිරිමෙන් පසු උපාධි ලෝගු හා කරමාල ලබා ගැනීමට හැකි බව මෙයින් දන්වා සිටිමි.
නියෝජ්ය ලේඛකාධිකාරී
විභාග අංශය
Convocation – 21st August 2024 – Postgraduate Institute of Pali & Buddhist Studies
First Session – List of Graduands (Click Here to See the List)
The list of graduands eligible for the convocation ceremony of the Postgraduate institute of Pali and Buddhist Studies, scheduled for August 21, 2024, is provided below. The number listed in front of each graduate's name indicates their respective seat number.
Accordingly, graduands are advised to follow the instructions provided by the examination section and to collect their Cloaks and Garlands by appearing at the examination section on the dates mentioned below. They should confirm their identity and the seat number before collecting the Cloaks and Garlands.
Deputy Registrar
Examinations Division
Cloak Notice
Ven sir /Dear Sir/ Dear Madam,
Convocation – 21st August 2024 – First Session
The Convocation for the conferment of the Postgraduate Institute of Pali and Buddhist
Studies Graduands of the University of Kelaniya will be held from 09.00 a.m to 12.00
noon (First Session) on Wednesday, 21st August 2024 at the Bandaranaike Memorial
International Conference Hall, (BMICH) Sri Lanka.
You are kindly invited to be present at this Convocation.
1. The Cloaks and Garlands will be issued on Saturday 17th August 2024 from 9.30
a.m. to 11.30 a.m. at the Examinations Branch of the University of Kelaniya. You
are required to produce your Student's Identity Card, National Identity Card or
Passport in order to obtain Cloaks and Garlands. Cloaks and Garlands will not be
issued to those who fail to produce any of those to prove their identity.
2. The number assigned to you in the List of Graduands is indicated at the end of this
letter and you must appear in the Procession of the Graduands according to the number
given. No Graduands will be permitted to enter the Convocation Hall after the
Graduands Procession enters into the Convocation Hall.
3. You will receive two invitations for your invitees and the programme of the
Convocation when you obtain cloaks & garlands.
4. Taking photographs inside the Convocation Hall is strictly prohibited. No one is
permitted to take Cameras and Cellular Phones and bring Children into the hall.
5. Cloaks and Garlands should be returned to the University within 07 days(Except
Saturdays & Sundays) after the Convocation. Rs. 50/- will be charged for each day
of delay from those who fail to return the Cloaks and Garlands. You are informed that
if any damage caused to the cloak and garland you are required to pay its value
and additional amount of 25% of it.
6. Arrangements have been made for you to obtain photographs at the Convocation.
Details will be available to you, when you obtain Cloaks and Garlands.
7. "Vijinipath" for the Bhikkus participating in the convocation will be issued at 8.00 a.m
on 21st August 2024 at the left hand counter near the main entrance of the Bandaranaike
Memorial International Conference Hall, (BMICH) Sri Lanka. You are kindly
requested to obtain "Vijinipath" before the commencement of the Graduands
Procession and you should return "Vijinipath" to the same counter at the end of the
Convocation. You are required to produce National Identity Card or passport in
order to obtain "Vijinipath".
8. You are kindly requested to visit the University of Kelaniya website
https://news.kln.ac.lk & Postgraduate Institute of Pali and Buddhist Studies
http://pgipbs.kln.ac.lk to get further information after the 05th August 2024.
9. Please consider this letter as an invitation for you to participate in the Convocation.
Inquiries ( 011-2903112/114
for Registrar