Department of Buddhist Thought
The Department of Buddhist Thought offers the Postgraduate Diploma in Buddhist Studies and Master of Arts in Buddhist Studies Degree Programs (Taught Courses). The courses are conducted both in Sinhala and English. The Department accepts the applications for MPhil and PhD programmes in the fields of Buddhist Philosophy, Buddhist Ethics, Buddhist Social Philosophy, Buddhist Traditions, Chinese Buddhism and Comparative Philosophy. Currently, there are large number of overseas and local research students pursuing their MPhil and PhD Degrees under the supervision of the Department.

Head of Department
Senior Lecturer Dr. Rathnasiri Rathnayaka
Ph.D. in Buddhist Studies (PGIPBS) / M.A. in Buddhist Studies (PGIPBS) / M.A. in Linguistics (U Kel)/ B.A. in Buddhist Studies & English Lit & Lang (BPU)/ Research Interests
- Early Buddhism
- Buddhist Philosophy
- Buddhist Philosophy of Education and Communication
- Prerequisites for Buddhist Meditation
- Buddhist Personality Analysis
- Buddhist Ethical Philosophy
- Buddhist Counseling
- Buddhist Psychotherapy
Contact Hours
Wednesday & Thursday 09.00-04.00
Dr.Ratnasiri Rathnayaka - 0711461105

Professor Ven.Raluwe Padmasiri Thero
BA (Peradeniya, MA (NUS)
Research Interest
- Early Buddhism,
- Buddhist Social Thought,
- Sociological and Anthropological Studies of Buddhism,
- Buddhist Ethics,
- Recent Trends in Buddhist Studies
- Buddhism and Gender
- Buddhism and Jurisprudence
Contact Hours
Monday & Tuesday 09.00-04.00
Ven. Prof.Raluwe Padmasiri - 0713443364

Rev. Dr. Wadinagala Pannaloka Thero
BA, MPhil (Peradeniya, PhD ( Thaivan National University)
PhD (National Central University, Taiwan)
Research Interest
- Early Buddhism
- Chinese Buddhism
- Buddhist Ethics and Western Ethics
- Comparative Study of Pali Nikaya and Chinese Agamas
- Gender Studies
- Peacebuilding
Contact Hours
Tuesday & Friday 09.00-04.00
Rev.Dr.Wadinagala Pannaloka- 0711134120