Students may seek registration at the Institute for the following Higher Degrees by research:

 (i) Master of Philosophy (MPhil)
 (ii) Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)

Admission Requirements
An applicant seeking admission to a higher degree programme by research should satisfy one of the following requirements:

(i) A First or Second Class (Upper Division) in a Special Bachelor's degree of a recognized University in Sri Lanka in one of the following areas of study: Buddhist Philosophy, Buddhist Culture, Indian Philosophy, Philosophy, Religious Studies, Sinhala, Archeology, History, Psychology, Buddhist Leadership, Pali, Sanskrit, Classical Chinese, Classical Tibetan or any other subject related to these areas of study.
(ii) Master's Degree of a recognized university in Pali or Buddhist Studies
(iii) A qualification obtained from a foreign university deemed by the institute as equivalent to a first or second class (Upper Division) Special Bachelor's degree in any of the subjects referred to in (i) or (ii) above obtained from a university in Sri Lanka, recognized by the University Grants Commission in Sri Lanka, with a certificate in diplomatic level confirming the qualification.
(iv) Any other special qualification/qualifications deemed by the Institute as equivalent to any one of the above-mentioned qualifications

Applicants who do not possess any of the above qualifications but who are deemed by the institute as having already made a distinct contribution to the field of Buddhist Studies, by pursuing academic activities in the field of Buddhist Studies, may apply for the above research degrees. A decision will be taken by the Faculty Board after due consideration of such applications.
A candidate for a research degree is expected to possess adequate knowledge in the relevant field of study. Where necessary additional research requirement such as an exhaustive knowledge of one or more of the languages connected with the early Buddhist literary sources,
e.g. Pali, Sanskrit, Classical Chinese, Tibetan may be required by the Institute. Moreover, the students engaged in research work should obtain necessary instructions from the Research Unit of the Institute and also should essentially participate in the workshops organized by the above unit.
If a candidate, already passed the Master of Arts degree examination in Buddhist Auyrvedic counseling held by the Institute, and seeks to register for a Master of Philosophy Degree in Buddhist studies programme, is required to study and pass the Master of Arts Degree in Buddhist Studies conducted by the Institute.
A student who has passed the Master of Arts in Buddhist Ayurvedic Counseling degree conducted by the Institute is eligible to register for Master of Philosophy degree in Buddhist Studies provided s/he passes the following five subjects of Master of Arts Degree in Buddhist Studies, before handing over the Master of Philosophy Thesis to the Institute.

i. ME 01: Buddhist Doctrines of the Pali Nikayas: Analysis and Interpretation
ii. ME 35: Theravada Tradition
iii. ME 39: Basic Pali, Research Methodology, and Logical Reasoning

Any other two elective courses
However, ME 26 should not be selected as an elective course.

Application for admission to a Higher Degree Programme by Research may be made at any time of the year to the Institute. The candidate after discussing the research topic he/she wishes to pursue, with the Director of the Institute or a senior member of the academic staff may enroll for a research degree. However, the proposed research topic must be recommended first by the academic committee and subsequently by the Faculty Board, before the candidate can undertake the research.

A candidate is deemed to have been registered for a research degree Programme in the Institute from the date on which his preliminary application with the bio data and the research topic was accepted by the Faculty Board. At this juncture the candidate can obtain the instructions of the supervisor/s appointed for the candidate and the academic staff of the Institute for the preparation of the Research Proposal. However, the registration of the applicants who fail to submit the research proposal as referred to in below, within six months of time from the effective date of the registration will be terminated.
Within a period of 06 months from the date of approval of the research topic by the Faculty Board, the Research Proposal consisting of the following items should be submitted to the Institute by the candidates.

i. Proposed Research Degree
ii. Proposed Research Topic
iii. Statement of Research Problem
iv. Introduction and Theoretical Framework
v. Purpose of the Study
vi. Review of Literature
vii. Research Method/Methods to be employed
viii. Field of Study and its Limitations
ix. Possible outcomes and their Significance
x. Working Bibliography

A candidate who has been registered for the Master of Philosophy degree and demonstrates a distinct progress of his research work may request to upgrade his study to the Doctor of Philosophy Degree programme. However, such a request could be made only during the period between 12 months and 18 months from the date of registration and by that time over 50% of the research work should have been completed. The request should be submitted to the Director of the Institute with recommendation/s of the supervisor/s and the Head of the department concerned.
The request will be considered by the Director and referred to the Faculty Board. However, prior to consideration of the request by the Faculty Board, the candidate should make a presentation justifying his request for upgrading and explaining the intended additional academic contribution to be rendered by him.

A candidate applying for registration in the Ph.D. Degree Programme in the first instance should annex evidence of his/her research ability and other supporting documents to his preliminary application. If the candidate has successfully completed a dissertation or a thesis for a higher degree, a copy of such dissertation/thesis must be submitted with the application.
Examiners may recommend to the Director that the degree of Doctor of Philosophy be awarded for a student of the Master of Philosophy degree programme who has submitted a thesis that demonstrates exceptional talent and made a novel academic contribution. The recommendations of all the examiners are necessary for this purpose. The recommendations will be considered by the Director of the Institute first, and then by the faculty Board.
Presentations as described below should be made by the research students in the presence of the senior members of the Academic Staff of the Institute including the Head of the Department concerned and supervisors. The report prepared at this occasion with regard to the progress of the research and the skill in expressing the knowledge demonstrated by the student is first referred to the Academic Committee and subsequently to the Faculty Board. 

Candidates of Master of Philosophy Degree
i. On the research proposal (within first 06 months from the registration)
ii. Explaining the original contribution and outcomes of the research (18 to 24 months
after the registration)
iii. If requesting an upgrading from the Master of Philosophy to Doctor of Philosophy,
 the justification for such upgrading. (12 to 18 months after the registration)

Candidates of Doctor of Philosophy Degree
i. On the rationale for the proposed research (within the first 06 months)
ii. Explaining the original contribution and outcomes of the research (24 to 36 months after the registration)

Supervision of the Research
3.13. A supervisor will be appointed by the Institute for every candidate registered for the Master of Philosophy or Doctor of Philosophy degrees. Considering the nature of the research two or three supervisors may be appointed upon the recommendation of the Faculty Board. Every research student should conduct the research under the guidance given personally by the supervisors. Every candidate is required to submit the progress reports of the research to the Director of the Institute once in six months. The registration of candidates who fail to submit two progress reports consecutively in a year will be cancelled.

Duration of Research Degree Programmes
The minimum duration for M.Phil. Degree Programme is two years from the date of
registration. The minimum duration for Ph.D. Degree Programme is three years from the date of registration.
A student who fails to complete the research work and submit the thesis to the institute within the stipulated time may make a request, through the supervisors, to extend the period of registration. The Institute may extend the period of registration for the Master of Philosophy Degree up to four years maximum and for the Doctor of Philosophy Degree up to six years maximum. The registration of candidates who fail to complete their studies within the aforementioned periods will be terminated.
Requirements for Completing a Higher Degree Master of Philosophy Degree Programme 

This study programme requires the following fulfillments:
i. A Thesis under a topic approved by the Institute.
ii. Presentations made by the candidates as referred to in 3.12
iii. A written examination of two papers on subject similar to the thesis.
 iv. An oral examination
The oral examination is conducted by a committee consisting of the Director of the Institute, Headof the Department concerned, Supervisors of the research as observers and examiners. However the candidates of the Master of Philosophy Degrees should have passed the written examination prior to the oral examination.

Doctor of Philosophy Degree Programme
This study programme consists of following items
 i. A thesis on a topic approved by the Institute.
 ii. Presentations made by the candidate as referred to in 3.12
 iii. An oral examination: This oral examination is conducted by a committee consisting of the members referred to above.

The Thesis
The thesis should embody the results of the research conducted independently by the candidate in a given area of investigation approved by the Faculty Board of the Institute. The thesis should not be one submitted for a degree at this Institute/University or any other University or Institute by the candidate or any other person. A statement made by the candidate should be included in the thesis confirming this. The thesis must make a distinct contribution to the body of
existing knowledge in the field of Buddhist studies and afford evidence of originality either by discovering of new facts or by exercise of independent critical power. The research should be conducted by the candidate under the supervision of the supervisors appointed by the Institution. A recommendation of the supervisor/s confirming his/her supervision and the suitability of the
thesis be considered for awarding the degree concerned should be included in the thesis.
The candidate may deviate from his original research proposal if the progress of his research so warrants, but the candidate shall seek the approval of the Director of the Institute through the supervisors for every such deviation. The request for the  deviation will be forwarded to the Faculty Board by the Director.

The thesis for the Master of Philosophy degree should consist of 50,000 - 75,000 words (exclusive of the bibliography) and the thesis for the Doctor of Philosophy degree should consist of 80,000 to 100,000 words (exclusive of bibliography). This requirement of the limits of words does not apply in the case of a candidate who proposes to submit an edition of a text or texts. It should be noted that although it has been specified that a thesis should consist of a specified number of words referred to above, not only the number of words but also the quality of the thesis will be taken into consideration in evaluating it.
The thesis submitted for examination should include an abstract not exceeding 300 words. If the thesis is compiled in Sinhala, an English translation of the abstract should also be included.
The format, size, and binding of the thesis should comply fully with requirements specified by the Institute.
The Director of the Institute may refuse to accept for examination any thesis which in his opinion has not conformed in any respect to the specifications laid down by the Institute.
Each candidate is requested to submit three identical copies of the thesis to the Director of the Institute who will forward it for evaluation to the examiners appointed by the Faculty Board.

Oral Examination
As soon as possible, after the thesis has been evaluated the Institute will arrange for an oral examination which will be conducted by the candidate's Examination Committee. However, oral examination for Master of Philosophy degree will be conducted after passing the written examination only.
A candidate who is summoned for the oral examination will be required to bring with him a copy of his thesis submitted for evaluation.
The Examination Committee may take one of three decisions, namely to accept the thesis as submitted, or to accept the thesis subject to such revisions as it may deem Where a thesis has been accepted the Examination Committee's report will state whether it
is fit for publication in the manner submitted.
Where a thesis has been accepted subject to revision, the candidate is required to embody, within a period of three months of such acceptance, such revisions as have been suggested by the Examination Committee. For this purpose, it is necessary that the Supervisor/s of the candidate certify that the thesis has been suitably revised and is acceptable. If the Examination Committee has recommended to make a substantially major revision to the thesis the candidate is required to handover the thesis to the Institute within a one-year period of time after making such revisions
properly. On receipt of the revised thesis, it will be sent again to the examiners, and on receipt of the reports of the examiners the oral examination will be conducted again. If the thesis will be accepted for awarding the degree on the decision of the Examination Committee, the date on which the revised thesis was handed over to the Institute is deemed as the effective date of the degree.
The cost incurred by the Institute for the additional work of involved with the revision should be paid by the candidate.
The Examination Committee may consider the suitability to award the Master of
Philosophy degree in respect of a thesis submitted for Doctor of Philosophy Degree which was decided by the examiners as not successful for awarding the Doctor of Philosophy degree.
One copy of the successful thesis will be deposited for reference in the Institute's library.
Another copy will be deposited in the Director's office, and the other copy will be handed over to the candidate.

Results of Examination
3.32. All candidates for higher degree examinations through research will be informed individually of their examination results.
Admission of part-time students to MPhil and PhD Degree Programmes
Where necessary, applications may be made for admission as part-time students to Master of Philosophy and Doctor of Philosophy Degree Programmes.
In order to be eligible for admission as a part-time student one must have previously satisfied all admission requirements specified for a Master of Philosophy or Doctor of Philosophy degree as in the case of a full-time (regular) student.
The Master of Philosophy Degree will be awarded to a part-time student who has successfully completed a programme of study and research of at least three years duration as a part time student.
The Doctor of Philosophy Degree will be awarded to a part-time student who has successfully completed a program of study and research of at least four years duration or of at least three years duration if he has previously obtained the Master of Philosophy or an equivalent degree.
A student who has been registered for a Master of Philosophy degree prorgramme as a part time student for not less than two and half year’s period and who has shown excellent progress in his research may request, with recommendations of his supervisor/s and head of the department, to transfer to the part time PhD Programme. The request will be considered by the Faculty Board
paying special attention to the progress reports provided by the supervisor/s and Head of the department. However, the candidate should fulfill the academic requirement referred to in above.
A part-time student may at his/her request and upon the recommendation of the
Department of Study be permitted by the Director to transfer his registration to a regular student status. Students who are employed by the Government Departments and Corporations should produce acceptable evidence of leave granted to them to follow courses as full-time students from the Heads of their institutions.
3.38. All other regulations pertaining to the Master of Philosophy and Doctor of Philosophy degree programmes of study of full-time students shall apply equally to part-time students.

Guidelines for Research Candidates
Registration of candidates for Research Degrees
1. A Student who seeks to follow a research Degree at the Postgraduate Institute of Pali and Buddhist Studies should select a research topic relating to the field of Pali and Buddhist Studies deemed as appropriate by himself and meet the Director of the Institute or a professor or a senior lecturer recommended by the Director and discuss the selected topic. Director or professor/senior lecturer will determine the suitability of the topic. 

2. If the initial approval is obtained, after discussing with the Director or professor/senior lecturer the research topic should be indicated in the appropriate place in the application form obtained from the office of the Institute. Duly filled application should be submitted to the Senior Assistant Registrar with a recommendation of the Director or a Head of the relevant department of the

3. Every application for registration for research degrees will be submitted for the approval of the Faculty Board of the Institute. The Faculty Board has the authority to approve or to suggest an amendment or to reject the topic. Applicant should take steps according to the decision. The date on which the research topic is approved by the Faculty Board with or without amendments is considered as the date of registration for the research study. Research Proposal and the First Presentation

4. A Research proposal, prepared according to the rules of the Institute and the guidance of the supervisor/s should be submitted by the candidate to the Senior Assistant Registrar with the recommendation of the supervisor/s within six months from the date of registration.

5. The decision of the Faculty Board will be informed in writing to the candidate by the Senior Assistant Registrar. The candidate should take action accordingly.
Basic Requirements in Research Activities
6. After the research proposal is approved by the Faculty Board the candidate should carry out his/her studies by research,  under the guidance and instructions of the supervisor/s appointed by the Faculty Board. The student should fulfill the following requirements in this regard.

i. Making a presentation based on the research proposal within six months from the date of registration.
ii. Submitting progress reports through the supervisor/s on the research once in every six months to the Director of the Institute.
iii. Meeting and consulting the supervisor/s in person once in a month. Those who are out of the country should seek supervisor's advice through electronic media such as telephone, e-mail or internet with the Director's approval. Applicant should produce the candidate record book to the supervisor at the time of meeting enable him to make a note to comfirm the consultation. In the event that a candidate did not meet the supervisor in person and obtained guidance over other means s/he should mention in the six month progress report the dates and other relevant particulars
confirmed by the supervisor/s.
iv. Obtaining the guidance and instructions of the supervisor/s for written or practical activities involved with the research.
v. Making a presentation demonstrating the original contribution to be rendered through the research in the areas of subjects concerned by Master of Philosophy candidates after a lapse of 18 months and by Doctor of Philosophy candidates after a lapse of 24 months from the date of registration. The presentations should be made prior to submitting the thesis to the senior Assistant Registrar.
vi. Requesting for an extension of the period of study from the Director of the Institute through the Senior Assistant Registrar in the event of failing to complete the study by research within the stipulated period of time. Presentation for upgrading

7. A candidate registered in Master of Philosophy Degree programme is eligible to apply for upgrading his registration to the Doctor of Philosophy Degree programme after 12 months and before 18 months, from the date of registration provided the following conditions are fulfilled:
Supervisor's recommendation on:
i. Fifty percent of the research is completed.
ii. The field of the study covered by the topic and the research skills of the candidate are appropriate and adequate to a study for the Doctor of Philosophy Degree.
Thesis Submission and Evaluation Process

8. Completed, type set, and soft bound copy of the thesis together with the recommendation of the supervisor/s should be submitted to the Senior Assistant Registrar of the Institute in order to verify that the thesis meets the required standards. However, the candidate should submit the thesis before the expiry of the registration. A soft copy of the thesis in both MSWord and PDF formats should also be handed over to the office in a compact disk. An acknowledgement will be issued
by the Senior Assistant Registrar upon submission of the thesis.

9. Within one month of handing over the type set and soft bound copy of a thesis as referred to in the above paragraph, a notification on the steps to be taken with regard to the thesis is issued to the candidate by the Institute. The candidate may make an inquiry in writing from the Senior Assistant Registrar if a notification is not received within one month. All inquiries regarding a thesis submitted to the Institute should be made only from the Senior Assistant Registrar. 

10. According to the instructions issued in writing by the Institute, necessary amendments to the thesis should be done by the candidate under the guidance of the supervisor/s.

11. Three printed copies of the thesis duly amended by the candidate should be re-submitted in temporary binding to the Senior Assistant Registrar with the recommendations of the supervisor/s to be sent to the examiners. A receipt issued by the institute acknowledging the submission of the thesis should be kept retained by the candidate.
12. If any notification is not received by the candidate within 3 months’ time after handing over his/her thesis to the Senior Assistant Registrar, the candidate may make a written enquiry from him. Master of Philosophy Degree Written Examination

13. After handing over the thesis to the Senior Assistant Registrar, the candidate engaged in studies for the Master of Philosophy Degree, should pass a written examination held on a date/dates decided by the Institute. The written examination consists of two question papers: one paper on the area of research and the other on thesis content.

Oral Examination
14. Candidates engaging in studies by research for both Master of Philosophy and Doctor of Philosophy degrees should appear for an oral examination conducted on a date decided by the Institute. The candidate is bound to accept the decisions of the panel of examiners.

Final Submission
The Thesis should be amended by the candidate as suggested at the oral examination and recommendation of the supervisor/s should be obtained stating that the required amendments are properly made. (The prescribed form for supervisor/s' recommendation could be obtained from  the students' affairs division of the Institute.) Three printed copies of the hard-bound thesis prepared in conformity with the guidelines issued by the Institute should be handed over to the Director with a compact disk containing soft copies of the Thesis in Microsoft Word and pdf

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